kent lewis

Thought Leader

About Kent Lewis

Lewis Informs and Entertains

As a 6x entrepreneur, 10x agency professional and digital marketer since 1996, Lewis is currently Founder of pdxMindShare, a networking group and online career community. He speaks internationally, writes for industry publications like Inc.and SmartBrief and is regularly quoted in the media. Lewis was President and Founder of Anvil Media for 22 years, before selling his agency in 2022. He was also an adjunct professor at Portland State University for 20 years. Lewis was named a Top 40 Under 40, Marketer of the Year by AMA Oregon and a Top 100 Digital Marketing Influencer by BuzzSumo.

Engaged in The Digital Marketing Community

Lewis co-founded SEMpdx in 2006, where he was the initial President. He also co-founded SearchFest in 2005, which was absorbed by SEMpdx and later evolved into Engage Conference. He was a member of the Advisory Boardfor 15 years before returning to the Board to head up Strategic Partnerships. He moderated a future trends panel in January 2024, then lead a educational thought leadership workshop in February. He’s now helping promote the annual Engage Conference (10.17/18) and Golf Scramble this summer.

Engaged in the Entrepreneurial Community

  Since 2007, Lewis has also been a member of Entrepreneurs Organization. As a tenured member of the EO Portland chapter, he was Membership Chair for five years as a board member and in 2014 was recognized at GLC in Athens Greece for Membership Recruitment Excellence. Lewis also organized the first annual Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA) for the Portland Chapter and has been featured in the global newsletter, Octane.